In a group we chose 3 posters that we had to copy ourselves by taking our own pictures and then editing them to create a similar looking posters to the original ones, but giving them a Sponne school influence.
I edited The Blair Witch Project poster. I chose this poster, because i thought it would be a challenge to try and create the same effects and i wanted to see if i could do so with the technology that i have. I tried to make it as similar as possible and edited the picture to show half a face and created a shadow effect. I changed the picture of the trees in to black and white using Paint Shop Pro so that the pictures blend together to create one whole image.
The predominate image in the original poster has a shadow covering half of their face, which is almost hiding their identity, which stereotypically is the antagonist within the film. however, the eyes of the character look quite scared and shocked, which may show the audience that they are a victim and are trying to hide from something or someone. In my poster the character's face is visible and they are looking straight at the camera (direct mode of address) which shows that they could be the villain, as they don't look scared but look quite dominant compared to the original image. This can create an enigma as the audience are not sure of the characters agenda.
The background is black, which immediate tells the audience that the film is quite mysterious and scary, as black can relate to death and evilness. Black goes very well with the colour red that has been used and can coincide with meanings of black. Red has conflicting connotations, because it can mean blood, danger and the devil but can also mean love and passion. In this case however, the red with the black shows danger and tells the audience that this film is a horror.
At the top of the poster you can see the woods (original) or trees (mock up), this suggests that the film is going to be set in the woods (hinting the narrative if the film) and that possibly the victims are lost in the woods hiding from the killer/villain (which is a common place for a horror movie to be set).
The text on the poster creates an enigma, as the audience ask the question 'what has happened to the students?', by creating an enigma it makes the audience want to go and see the film so that they can find out what has happened. the text also gives an idea of the basic plot if the film, without giving much away, this then lets the audience know a bit about it so that they can make up their mind whether or not they will enjoy it.
Here is another example of a poster that another member of my group produced.
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