The colours of this poster make the film recognisable as a horror, therefore targeting the audience well as they get a feel of the film from the images and colours on the poster. The main image suggests danger and protection as they are holding weapons, the characters in the background/distance are not holding weapons are standing quite open (possibly showing that they are not scared) this meaning that they could be the villains. The characters in the background are coming up behind the characters in the foreground (can they see them?) making the characters in the foreground seem vulnerable (also linking with the text "they're coming). the image in the bottom right hand corner suggests pain, revealing the horror genre along with the text. "They're coming" creates an enigma, who is coming and when? The title of the film can reveal the type of creature/villain within the film as the whole film is in the dark-at night, therefore suggesting vampires as there will be no escape if there is no daylight.
10 things that you would expect to find on a film poster
- Certification - letting the audience know what age they have to be in order to watch the film, it will also give them an idea on what themes the film may include. The BBFC will watch and analyse the film and will decide what the certification will be depending on the content of the film, for example most horror movies will be 15 or over because of the threat, violence and psychological horror.
- Main image - could be an still image from within the film or could be posed picture of the characters (a promotional image-looks exciting)
- The title of the film will normally positioned at the top of the poster as this is where the audience will tend to look first. So the audience will be able to identify the film.
- There could be a logo of the film or the institution so the audience will know who the production company is- promoting the company.
- A tag line from the film to help attract the audience, for example on the Orphan poster the tag line is 'There's something wrong with Esther'. This creates an enigma as the audience will want to the know what is wrong and will only find out the answer when they watch the film, therefore attracting them.
- Release date
- Cast names will either be positioned above the title like they are on DVD covers, or they will be positioned at the bottom of the poster along with the name of the directors, producers and the institution.
- Reference from a critic for example 5 stars in order to attract the audience by including a comment that praises the film will attract an audience.
- the name of the producer, director etc, normally at the bottom of the poster
- Sometimes there may be titles from previous successful films that the producer has already produced, this will help attract the audience especially if they have seen the films and have enjoyed them, as they will then think that the new film will be good and will also want to watch it. This is also true with actors, people will watch the films just because they star an actor they like. Which is why it helps it producers try get famous actors to star in their movies as it may increase the ratings.
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