Levi Strauss came up with the theory of Binary Opposites, Facebook is an example as we log onto it alone, but then become a part of a global community and we can talk to anyone in the world.
BINARY OPPOSITES- Levi Strauss came up with an insight on how we understand certain words. We don't understand them because of the meaning that they portray but because of the difference between the word and its opposite. He realised that the words merely act as symbols for societies ideas and that the meaning of the words, therefore was a relationship (between opposing ideas)rather than a fixed thing.
For example how we understand the word evil will depend on the difference between it and its opposing word, Good. This theory is common within literature.
An example of the theory within my trailer would be adult vs child and good vs evil. However, the adult is scared of the child, which goes agianst what we would belive. We understan an adult as being more owerful and stonger than a child- in the trailer however, it i the opposite
People like to watch horror for many reasons, they may enjoy the excitement of being scared or they may like the plot of the film. I asked a group of 10 people why they like horror films and all their answers fell under one of these categories.
All these reasons will need to be considered when creating the trailer as these are the reasons why an audience will watch a horror movie. We will need to attract the audience by including some of these elements, for example creating a scene that will make the audience 'jump' and feel scared, or by creating enigmas so the audience will want to watch more. By including taboo subjects or elements of them (as trailers must be eligible to be seen by any viewer) and scenes that could get the 'heart pumping' the trailer should attract an audience. This links with the uses and gratifications media theory, where an audience watches a media text- in this case a horror film- to get certain gratifications linking with the reasons above.
Long shots- are used to show the setting, it allows the audience to see all the surroundings in the scene as well as the characters. In horror it could show a building on fire or possibly a murder, so the audience are not clear on who the killer is.
POV- This shot would usually be the point of view of the victim, so the audience can feel the fear and tension within the scene (it gives them an adrenalin rush). the shot is used when the victim is running away or hiding from the villain
Tracking- this camera movement allows the audience to follow the action within the trailer, and allows them to keep up with the pace of the characters and movement within the scene (for example the character running). This movement can make the audience feel they are apart of the action and will make them feel the physical effects that the character is feeling (scared, adrenaline rush) It will make the scene more effective and seem realistic in the eyes of the audience.
High Angle- is when the camera is position high up and is tilting down on the subject, making the character look vulnerable to the audience. This is popular within the horror genre as it makes the victim powerless against the villain.
Low Angle- placed below the subject titling upwards so that the character looks dominant and powerful, this generally towards the villain before the attempt to repair the disruption.
Canted angle - is the tilting of the camera and is used for dramatic effect to create a sense of disorientation, intoxication, madness etc. This can be shown within horror such as the Saw series.
Death and murder
Mind games
Supernatural themes e.g. curses and vampires
Todrovs theory explains the order in which the narrative is shown- Equilibrium, Disruption, Recognition, Attempt to repair, equilibrium. Within trailers a quick shot of the equilibrium is shown and disruption is then the main focus, there will be some elements shown of the recognition and the attempt to repair, however there will be no equilibrium shown at the end, as then it would defeat the purpose of the trailer and there will be no creation of enigma codes.
Villain- powerful, clever and cunning, in control, sometimes masked to hide identity (mysterious), invincible. In most films there is a history behind why the character became the villain, it usually because of a social breakdown and they fear of feeling different. They don't fit into society through their own actions and/or the actions of others- so they go against the norm.
Victim- weak, scared, innocent, vulnerable, helpless. towards the end of the film however, they become stronger and begin to overcome the fear of the villain.